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In the past I had written an article touching on unconditional Election although I did not call it by that name. I will reference that post at the end. There was some discussion concerning that topic. And I know that all did not agree with me, but when we consider reformed theology and 5 point Calvinism it is: a take it all in order to make it work; or find another way of seeing truth. One alternative “truth” is dispensationalism. I actually have abandoned both Dispensationalist and Reformed beliefs. I will explain as we go. I found in my study of the Dispensationalist points, which I was raised on; that the position leaves much to be desired comparing it to scripture; and it requires a total separation of God’s people. I have written many posts explaining dispensational contradictions with scripture.

The one teaching of scripture that I believe must be understood and included in any reliable theology is that all of God’s people according to scripture are seen as having our roots stemming first from unity. First there was Adam; and then we proceeded from Noah; and then from Abraham; and then finally, Scripture makes it clear that we all who are God’s people must come through Jesus, the Messiah. So separation, as to who are God’s people, is not easily arrived at scripturally.

Personally, I have adopted as my position on God’s truth the One New Man approach to scripture’s truth. That understanding of scripture places all men who are God’s people under one banner or heading. This concept can be seen in the children of Abraham who are the children of faith, circumcised in heart (Spiritual) not in the flesh (although some were). This can be seen in the Olive Tree’s branches of belief versus the cut off branches of disbelief; it can be seen in Christ vs. not being in Christ.

In the next article I plan to take a little deeper look at the 5 points of reformed Theology in order to give understanding as to why I have in my understanding of scriptures teaching disregarded Calvinism in addition to my disregard for dispensational theology as seen here on this site. As always, should you want you may choose to challenge what I write, or disprove it with the word. It is always my Intent to remain teachable.

One New Man In Christ, is a position that exists today making us one with the saints, one in the bride of Christ. That position which is taught in Ephesians, is not undone anywhere else in Pauls own words or in other prophetic teaching. Only believers in Christ will be resurrected and made immortal 1 Cor. 15. In Adam mankind died Spiritually; in Christ alone is one resurrected to life.

Israel’s belief will only add them back into what was their own kingdom in the first place. Being one in Christ, means to the Jew being one in Israel’s Messiah. So Him, whom we are now in, they also will one day be in as a nation a kingdom. Paul states in 1 Corinthians 15, that only in Christ will man see the resurrection. And Paul tells us that there is a oneness to Christ’s body. All who are dead in Him will be raised an instant before all who remain alive at that time of His coming. One body as Ephesians teaches. If He comes before Israel is saved; then Israel is not one with us and Ephesians is wrong.

The article I mentioned at the beginning of this post is: