Though Terry and I disagree on the Raptures timing we do agree that the events occurring in Israel today place us in the midst of Biblical end time events. These days are prophetic.

Terry James Prophecy Line

We know we are at the end of the dispensation of grace for specific reasons. A number of these come to mind.

Evil men and seducers are growing worse, as the Apostle Paul forewarned. The time has come when “they”–meaning religionists who claim to know Christ but do not–will not “endure sound doctrine.”

All of Paul’s “perilous times” prophecies are in view, as we have dissected many times. False accusers, for example, are in our daily headlines, with lies being told for political gain or just to heap hatred upon ideological enemies.

There is a denial that God should be found anywhere in humanistic governance. As stated many times, here, Psalm 2 is in play as never before. The international community, i.e.,  the UN and those within every other such globalist forum, want to “break the bands asunder” that bind the human race to any form of godly mooring.

We know these…

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